Vehicle Handling Policies and Procedures – Presented by Rick Beroza Vehicle Handling Manual
Vehicle Handling Policies and Procedures – Presented by Rick Beroza Vehicle Handling Manual
Driver Retention by Chris Carroll Driver Retention
Concept Review and Discussion By Tom Ogrodowski CH Registry
Establishing a Career Path that Gives Drivers Something to Work For “Where does a job in the trucking industry that can potentially pay a high school graduate almost $60,000 annually lead? The answer is on a path to nowhere. The truck driver position has a turnover rate higher than the industry’s lowest paying job. There […]
The trucking industry continues to fight high turnover rates, leaving companies scrambling with lost productivity while they recruit and re-train new drivers as fast as they leave. For many, it has become a revolving door. This paper examines strategies for improving driver turnover. Recruiting the best people, and keeping them on the job.
Although many businesses with larger fleets are likely to have financial control systems, rate structures and systems for costing jobs, this is by no means the industry standard. Many trucking firms still price work by relying upon inaccurate or incomplete data to make critical business decisions. Such businesses often find it is not easy for […]
It’s getting tougher to make money in trucking: with equipment prices increasing, good drivers harder to find, and fuel prices challenging everyone; but the ability to run a trucking company effectively need not be left to chance. This is the time when technology must merge with management into an efficient operating process. The following discussion […]
Getting an accurate depiction of trucking movements requires breaking down the cost structure of the company at the lowest level of its operation, usually this means at the terminal level. The goal of any costing system should be to easily evaluate loads across lanes and customers. How does management account for all the special situations […]
This paper is intended to provide a general introduction to the critical functions of a Cost Analysis System that can be used by trucking firms: to define and allocate the costs of operation, validate the pricing of freight transport, and for general business analysis. The document consists of a description of the process and six […]