Seiri ( æ•´ç†) Sorting
The First Step of 5S – Seiri (Sort)
The first step of housekeeping is seiri, it requires classifying items in gemba into two categories—necessary and unnecessary—and discarding or removing the latter from gemba. This corresponds to the just-in- time (JIT) principle of “only what is needed, only in the amount needed, and only when it is needed.†Seiri does not mean that you only throw out items that you are sure that you will never need or straighten and stack things into neat piles. With seiri, you will have only what you need to perform your job function. Anything in gemba should be there if, and only if, it is needed now or will be used in the immediate future…read more
Seiton (æ•´é “) Straighten
The Second Step of 5S—Seiton
Seiton means that you arrange needed items so that they are easy to use and label them so that anyone can find them and put them away. Seiton, or Straighten, is important because it eliminates many kinds of waste in pro- duction or administrative activities. Seiton can only be implemented when Seiri has been accomplished. No matter how well you arrange items, Seiton can have little impact if many of the items are unnecessary. Both are optimized when they are implemented together….read more
Seiso (清掃)Scrub
The Third Step of 5S—Seiso
As a recap, in Seiri (step one) we began with our red tag event. The sort process distinguished needed items from unneeded items and removing the latter from the Gemba. Next, Seiton (step two) ar- ranged needed items so that they are easy to use, labeled, and any- one can find them and know where to put them away. Step three is Seiso, which can be referred to as scrub, shine, or sweep. Seiso means to thoroughly clean everything in the work area. It empha- sizes the removal of dirt, grime, and dust from the workplace. How- ever, cleaning is only a part of Seiso. As things are cleaned, it also includes inspecting what you clean. Daily cleaning is necessary in or- der to sustain this improvement…read more
Seiketsu (清潔) Systematize
The Fourth Step of 5S — Seiketsu
So far, we have covered the first three elements of 5S: Seiri is sorting, which is “only what is needed, only in the amount needed, and only when it is needed.†With seiri, you will have only what you need to perform your job function. Seiton, or straighten, ensures that the things you use are tidily put away so they can be quickly and easily retrieved, “a place for everything and everything is in its place.†Seiso, or scrub, is not just cleaning, but a whole attitude that includes ensuring everything is in perfect condition…read more
Shitsuke (躾) Sustain
The Fifth Step of 5S — Shitsuke
So far, we have learned the 4 core techniques for implementing the 5s philosophy: We practiced Seiri (sorting) with Red Tagging, which focused on having “only what is needed, only in the amount needed, and only when it is needed.†With Seiton (straighten), you ensured that necessary tools are tidily put away so they can be quickly and easily retrieved, “a place for everything and every- thing is in its place.†With Seiso (scrub), we practiced not just cleaning, but developing a whole attitude that includes ensuring everything is in perfect operating condition. We practiced Seiketsu (standardize or systematize) by establishing systems and procedures to ensure continuity of the first 3 elements and reduce muda spent maintaining the work area. We are now ready for the final S, Shitsuke (discipline). This is perhaps the most important element and speaks to commitment rather than technique…read more